I just read a nice post that summarizes the idea of 21st Century Skills nicely. I think many people automatically think computers when the term is brought up. This article did a nice job reminding me that there is so much more to the skills than just tech.
21st century skills have been defined in many ways and include the following:
- critical thinking
- problem solving
- collaboration
- leadership
- agility and adaptability
- initiative and entrepreneurialism
- effective oral and written communication
- accessing and analyzing information
- curiosity and imagination
How much of this is embedded in what you already do in the classroom? Where would you do more? Also:
Costa and Kallick have defined 16 habits of mind necessary for success. These are:
- persistence and perseverance
- managing impulsivity and thinking before acting
- listening with understanding and empathy – being able to perceive another’s point of view
- thinking flexibly and being able to change perspectives
- metacognition – being aware of your own thoughts and actions and how they affect others
- striving for accuracy and precision
- questioning and problem posing
- applying past knowledge to novel situations – using what you have learnt
- thinking and communicating with clarity and precision
- gathering data through all the senses
- creating, imagining and innovating
- responding with wonderment and awe
- taking responsible risks – living on the edge of your competence
- humor – being able to laugh at yourself
- thinking independently and being able to learn from others and work together
- learning from experience
Much of that reminds me of the Common Core expectations. It’s worth 5 minutes to read the full post here.